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Peru Collection (#3)

Background imagePeru Collection: Amazon tree boa, Corallus hortulanus

Amazon tree boa, Corallus hortulanus

Background imagePeru Collection: South American green vine snake, Oxybelis fulgidus

South American green vine snake, Oxybelis fulgidus

Background imagePeru Collection: Speckled forest-pitviper, Bothriopsis taeniata taeniata

Speckled forest-pitviper, Bothriopsis taeniata taeniata

Background imagePeru Collection: Cayenne caecilian, Typhlonectes compressicauda

Cayenne caecilian, Typhlonectes compressicauda

Background imagePeru Collection: Giant ameiva, Ameiva ameiva

Giant ameiva, Ameiva ameiva

Background imagePeru Collection: Lancehead, Bothrops atrox

Lancehead, Bothrops atrox

Background imagePeru Collection: Stubfoot toad, Atelopus spumarius

Stubfoot toad, Atelopus spumarius

Background imagePeru Collection: Monkey lizard, polychrus marmoratus

Monkey lizard, polychrus marmoratus

Background imagePeru Collection: Smooth machete snake, Chironius scurrulus

Smooth machete snake, Chironius scurrulus

Background imagePeru Collection: Amazon tree boa, Corallus hortulanus

Amazon tree boa, Corallus hortulanus

Background imagePeru Collection: matamata, Chelus fimbriata

matamata, Chelus fimbriata The Matamata, Chelus fimbriatus is one of the strangest reptile species alive

Background imagePeru Collection: Matamata, Chelus fimbriatus

Matamata, Chelus fimbriatus The Matamata, Chelus fimbriatus is one of the strangest reptile species alive

Background imagePeru Collection: Northern caiman lizard, Dracaena guianensis

Northern caiman lizard, Dracaena guianensis The Northern caiman lizard, Dracaena guianensis, is a large, heavily armored, semi-aquatic, lizard species that is a specialized snail eater

Background imagePeru Collection: Smooth-fronted caiman, Paleosuchus trigonatus

Smooth-fronted caiman, Paleosuchus trigonatus The Smooth-fronted caiman, Paleosuchus trigonatus, is a heavily armored semi-terrestrial crocodilian species found in South America

Background imagePeru Collection: green thornytail iguana, Uracentron azureum

green thornytail iguana, Uracentron azureum, The green thornytail iguana, Uracentron azureum, is a rarely seen tree top dwelling, ant eating, lizard species found in Suriname

Background imagePeru Collection: green thornytail iguana, Uracentron azureum, Suriname

green thornytail iguana, Uracentron azureum, Suriname The green thornytail iguana, Uracentron azureum, is a rarely seen tree top dwelling, ant eating, lizard species found in Suriname

Background imagePeru Collection: Peruvian purple throated lizard (Stenocercus imitator)

Peruvian purple throated lizard (Stenocercus imitator) The Peruvian purple throated lizard (Stenocercus imitator) lives on the Peruvian side of the Andes

Background imagePeru Collection: Peruvian purple throated lizard (Stenocercus imitator)

Peruvian purple throated lizard (Stenocercus imitator) The Peruvian purple throated lizard (Stenocercus imitator) lives on the Peruvian side of the Andes

Background imagePeru Collection: Parrotsnake (Leptophis ahaetulla)

Parrotsnake (Leptophis ahaetulla) The Parrotsnake (Leptophis ahaetulla) is a slender, agile and aggressive inhabitant of Central and South America

Background imagePeru Collection: Eyelash viper (Bothriechis schlegelii)

Eyelash viper (Bothriechis schlegelii) The Eyelash viper (Bothriechis schlegelii) is an ambush predator found from Costa Rica down into South America

Background imagePeru Collection: Peru Pacific Iguana (Microlophus peruvianus)

Peru Pacific Iguana (Microlophus peruvianus) The Peru Pacific Iguana (Microlophus peruvianus) is a species of lava lizard endemic to Ecuador, Peru and Chile

Background imagePeru Collection: Scorpion mud turtle (Kinosternon scorpioides)

Scorpion mud turtle (Kinosternon scorpioides) The Scorpion mud turtle (Kinosternon scorpioides) is a medium sized turtle species found from Mexico up to Bolivia, Peru and Argentina

Background imagePeru Collection: Red-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonaria)

Red-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonaria) The Red-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonaria) is a large tortoise species found in tropical South AMerica. They are hunted for food and popular as pets

Background imagePeru Collection: Amazon dart frog / Ranitomeya ventrimaculata

Amazon dart frog / Ranitomeya ventrimaculata The Amazon dart frog is one of the most widespread of all dart frog species. These poisonous animals are found across the Amazon

Background imagePeru Collection: Striped dart frog / Epidobates anthonyi

Striped dart frog / Epidobates anthonyi The striped dart frog is a highly endangered dart frog species found in Peru. The bright colors serve as a warning as the animals are very poisonous

Background imagePeru Collection: Three-striped poison dart frog / Ameerega trivittata

Three-striped poison dart frog / Ameerega trivittata The three-striped poison arrow frog is a large, up to 7cm, dart frog species found across the Amazon, including countries like Brazil, Peru

Background imagePeru Collection: Green anaconda / Eunectes murinus

Green anaconda / Eunectes murinus The green anaconda is considered the second longest snake species in the world and the world heaviest snake species

Background imagePeru Collection: Green iguana / Iguana iguana

Green iguana / Iguana iguana The Green Iguana is a giant (up to 2.metres) arboreal lizard species that is herbivorous

Background imagePeru Collection: Caiman lizard / Dracaena guianensis

Caiman lizard / Dracaena guianensis The Caiman lizard is a large lizard species found in the Brazil, Peru, Colombia and the Guianas

Background imagePeru Collection: Cane toad / Rhinella marina

Cane toad / Rhinella marina The Cane toad is a giant toad species originally from South America

Background imagePeru Collection: Cascavel / Crotalus durissus

Cascavel / Crotalus durissus The Cascavel is a highly venomous snake species responsible for many snakebites across its range. They are found in Brazil and surrounding countries

Background imagePeru Collection: Amazon tree boa / Corallus hortulanus

Amazon tree boa / Corallus hortulanus The Amazon tree boa is a long, slender and agressive tree snake found across the Amazon rain forest

Background imagePeru Collection: Upper Amazon tree boa / Corallus batesii

Upper Amazon tree boa / Corallus batesii The Upper Amazon tree boa / Corallus batesii is a spectacular large tree boa species found in Peru, Colombia and Brazil

Background imagePeru Collection: Mata mata / Chelus fimbriatus

Mata mata / Chelus fimbriatus The Matamata is a cryptic, aquatic and large turtle found in the Amazon and Orinico rivers

Background imagePeru Collection: Upper Amazon tree boa / Corallus batesii

Upper Amazon tree boa / Corallus batesii The Upper Amazon tree boa is a large non venomous snake species found in the Upper Amazon rain forest

Background imagePeru Collection: Chinchilla

Chinchilla Chinchillas have almost been hunted to extinction as their fur is highly priced for coats. These are rare in the wild. In captivity they are kept as pets

Background imagePeru Collection: Pipa frog / Pipa pipa

Pipa frog / Pipa pipa The Pipa frog is a leaf mimicing completely aquatic frog species found in tropical South America

Background imagePeru Collection: Clown tree frog / Dendropsophus leucophyllatus

Clown tree frog / Dendropsophus leucophyllatus The Clown tree frog is an extreme jumper and able to jump its own body length many times. They are found around freshwater marshes in South America

Background imagePeru Collection: Green tree boa / Corallus caninus

Green tree boa / Corallus caninus

Background imagePeru Collection: Green tree boa / Corallus caninus

Green tree boa / Corallus caninus

Background imagePeru Collection: ARTE PRECOLOMBINO. INCA. Distintos utensilios: HACHAS DE PIEDRA Y METAL

ARTE PRECOLOMBINO. INCA. Distintos utensilios: HACHAS DE PIEDRA Y METAL, de la cultura Inca y Puruhá (Ecuador), y AGUJAS DE METAL de la cultura Puruhá. Colección particular

Background imagePeru Collection: The Inca Empire at its greatest extent

The Inca Empire at its greatest extent, about 1525, political map. Also known as Incan or Inka Empire, with capital Cusco

Background imagePeru Collection: Peru, Trujillo, Banknote from bank of Trujillo

Peru, Trujillo, Banknote from bank of Trujillo. 19th century. In Casa de Urquiaga, belonging to the Banco Central Peru, Trujillo, Banknote from bank of Trujillo. 19th century

Background imagePeru Collection: Peru, Chiclayo, Witchcraft, Shaman market

Peru, Chiclayo, Witchcraft, Shaman market Peru, Chiclayo, Witchcraft, Shaman market

Background imagePeru Collection: Andes Mountains, Cuzco, Peru

Andes Mountains, Cuzco, Peru

Background imagePeru Collection: Francisco Pizarro (1478-1541). Conquistador español

Francisco Pizarro (1478-1541). Conquistador español. Lideró la expedición que iniciaría la Conquista del Perú. Gobernador de Nueva Castilla. Dibujo por J. Cebrián. Litografía. Coloreada

Background imagePeru Collection: black outline of Peru map- vector illustration

black outline of Peru map- vector illustration

Background imagePeru Collection: Simple cartoon llama drawing, black and white line icon. Cute vector clip art illustration

Simple cartoon llama drawing, black and white line icon. Cute vector clip art illustration

Background imagePeru Collection: October 28, 2019, Peru. Peruvian jungle man wise in natural medicine

October 28, 2019, Peru. Peruvian jungle man wise in natural medicine, from the community of Yaneshas, Oxapampa

Background imagePeru Collection: Indiginous Bora villagers at Kapitari village, near Manacamiri, Amazon River, Peru

Indiginous Bora villagers at Kapitari village, near Manacamiri, Amazon River, Peru

Background imagePeru Collection: america, south america, continent, globe, planet, earth, world, states

america, south america, continent, globe, planet, earth, world, states

Background imagePeru Collection: Pedro Ignacio Noboa Benavides (Arequipa)

Pedro Ignacio Noboa Benavides (Arequipa)
Pedro Ignacio Noboa Benavides (Arequipa, 1811-ValparaIso, 1875). Peruvian writer and diplomat. Portrait. Drawing by Badillo. Engraving by ParIs. La Ilustracion Española y Americana, January 15, 1876

Background imagePeru Collection: Lake at the Huaytapallana mountain range in Huancayo, Peru

Lake at the Huaytapallana mountain range in Huancayo, Peru Lake at the Huaytapallana mountain range in Huancayo - Junin, Peru

Background imagePeru Collection: Aerial landscape of Machu Picchu along the Inca Trail from Sun Gate, Cusco, Peru

Aerial landscape of Machu Picchu along the Inca Trail from Sun Gate, Cusco, Peru Largest file size only available on Alamy

Background imagePeru Collection: South & Central America: Toco Toucan

South & Central America: Toco Toucan. Painting from Natural History of Birds of Paradise and Rollers, Toucans and Barbus by Jacques Barraband (1767-1809), 1806

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