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The War Cry . s4ay Bfgbt O® Wsb- CtjArtist save a stort iltastntea wr- 5vice

 : The War Cry . s4ay Bfgbt O® Wsb- CtjArtist save a stort iltastntea wr- 5vice

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The War Cry . s4ay Bfgbt O® Wsb- CtjArtist save a stort iltastntea wr- 5vice

The War Cry . s4ay Bfgbt O® Wsb- CtjArtist save a stort iltastntea wr- 5vice, bat ®s It Brass jreansg wetufgal sot ss»y |«s^fe w®te pres-ent. Tie spiral o£ wam-&e»rie£comr&Sssliip ara@@g t^@ @@l€ls^-. &!tbig Cmps H rmr seifcosfels. Cap-tafa amg Mas- O^s ana ^^fetstei tobe asoagst sack ^tt^^toSte ^sfl-loyal kelpe^B, as3 sua €®^ tteirutoaost to exteod t*« K»»*=e» ?a F&w New So?ifc»^^^Ga Thursday. Esa^^^,of Otiswa CitsHls! r^gg lutaneaUiyr !&; «slHis recolleetions s^v:*-id. &tter tlie 4e«^wts. tbe eld feKEests&i ^V{», ^ffid fee downward laa.oaoM be date^ ftap^^Bm Ms wanderings ^^ ^^^e Ills The War Cry . s4ay Bfgbt O® Wsb- CtjArtist save a stort iltastntea wr- 5vice, bat ®s It Brass jreansg wetufgal sot ss»y |«s^fe w®te pres-ent. Tie spiral o£ wam-&e»rie£comr&Sssliip ara@@g t^@ @@l€ls^-. &!tbig Cmps H rmr seifcosfels. Cap-tafa amg Mas- O^s ana ^^fetstei tobe asoagst sack ^tt^^toSte ^sfl-loyal kelpe^B, as3 sua €®^ tteirutoaost to exteod t*« K»»*=e» ?a F&w New So?ifc»^^^Ga Thursday. Esa^^^,of Otiswa CitsHls! r^gg lutaneaUiyr !&; «slHis recolleetions s^v:*-id. &tter tlie 4e«^wts. tbe eld feKEests&i ^V{», ^ffid fee downward laa.oaoM be date^ ftap^^Bm Ms wanderings ^^ ^^^e Ills way frosa ft«®^TC5a4!ass or tbe f^^:BaAsMie coanties, sg i^a*©I Sasiaod, till be tirft^^ca^ij®, where be bhi.^-aisi aho the saviGsr. 1^Uot t!nw til! the p^ft*gffSe i*rward SotLss m$God. till sow Le fc i - -a magmiHeejit crow^ o*-S^|iwsrt&s- -ot Uw oase tf IggT TS® sagie evenisg ^icme ^^itehsjas. ang t^« ftmtesS w®ee sworn is.l^ssata S^e Fsag, 19 nmtH. PLANS FOR F1NANCIH6 CORPS. On Wednesday we bad a Soldierstea at SL Thomas, and all praise 2sdue to the Sisters, for the way th«yso ably catered Tor our needs. Afterthe tea the Adjutant told wtisposition of tbc Corps, financially,and also proposed a plan for obtain-ing the money necessary for fueland lighting for tho winter. During the evening Mloa raererendered by Stater N. Leauaii andBros., Woodier aud Alia®, and aduet by Sisters Mllllgsn aa<3 War-nock, On Sunday afternoon n M adedication service the baby sea otBrother and sister Voicey feeingdedicated to God and Tttc Army. At nlgbt we had a glorioEs ©aiva-tluu meeting, which closed witbIhree backtdldera and two juniorsHpeUlnjr ~rr.-y at the fool of ti»eito«s.—A. Euckley. THE M04SSE IH O^JSRi-AT HyUTS- Sjsday. Jkiiiieer Slit, -a* -sel-ctssed Cspiaia Sadfrewe t© ©aftown. Beiag s&nt ssf *f «» gar toe Ors^s Hsli (w us? sesOa^. Oa Sas&ay, N-o*s^ter eKes^iss.asd St wsa i»op^H

Media ID 40894702

© The Reading Room

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