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History of the Eel River Christian Conference, from its organization to the present time--August 15

 : History of the Eel River Christian Conference, from its organization to the present time--August 15

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History of the Eel River Christian Conference, from its organization to the present time--August 15

History of the Eel River Christian Conference, from its organization to the present time--August 15, 1902-- ; also History of all the churches of the Conference from their organization to the present time, together with biographical sketches of ministers and laymen, and much other important matter. He was or-dained at his home church. Paw Paw, in 1897. His work in the ministry wasof short duration, as at the next annualsession, 1898, Conference was calledupon to record his death. Suitable ex-ercises of condolence were held. Con-ference standing with bowed heads intoken of their sorrow and re. History of the Eel River Christian Conference, from its organization to the present time--August 15, 1902-- ; also History of all the churches of the Conference from their organization to the present time, together with biographical sketches of ministers and laymen, and much other important matter. He was or-dained at his home church. Paw Paw, in 1897. His work in the ministry wasof short duration, as at the next annualsession, 1898, Conference was calledupon to record his death. Suitable ex-ercises of condolence were held. Con-ference standing with bowed heads intoken of their sorrow and respect. REV. MARTIN ARNOLD Was born in Maryland in 1805. Hewas converted and joined the church in1856. He united with Conference as alicentiate in 1868 and lived a consist-ent christian life up to the day of hisdeath which was caused by his horsebecoming frightened at a train andrunning away. He was 85 years ofage. In the report of the Committeeon Condolence his life was praised be-cause of his faith and efficiency in thechristian ministry. REV. NELSON ABBOTT Who resides at Mt. Etna, Ind. unitedwith the Conference as a licentiate in1867, and was ordained in 1871. Bro.Abbott, while not being actively en-gaged in the ministry, reports at everysession of Conference, either by letteror in person.. RIVERSIDE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana. MINISTERS OF EEI, RIVER CHRISTIAN CONFERENCE 71

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