Holstein-Friesian Cattle. Vintage cattle illustration of a cow from an 1887 livestock book
Holstein-Friesian Cattle. Vintage cattle illustration from an 1887 livestock book
Red polled Cattle. Antique cattle illustration of a bull from an 1887 livestock book
Red polled Cattle. Vintage cattle illustration of a cow from an 1887 livestock book
Sussex Cattle. Antique cattle illustration of a bull from an 1887 livestock book
Devon Cattle. Vintage cattle illustration of a cow from an 1887 livestock book
Devon Cattle. Antique cattle illustration of a bull from an 1887 livestock book
Galloway Cattle. Antique cattle illustration of a bull from an 1887 livestock book
Aberdeen Angus Cattle. Antique cattle illustration of a bull from an 1887 livestock book
Aberdeen Angus Cattle. Vintage cattle illustration of a cow from an 1887 livestock book
Aberdeen Angus Cattle
Hereford Cattle. Antique cattle illustration of a bull from an 1887 livestock book
Hereford Cattle. Vintage cattle illustration of a cow from an 1887 livestock book
Hereford Cattle.Antique cattle illustration from an 1887 livestock book
Shorthorn or Durham Cattle. Antique cattle illustration of a bull from an 1887 livestock book
Shorthorn or Durham Cattle. Vintage cattle illustration of a cow from an 1887 livestock book
Shorthorn or Durham Cattle. Antique cattle illustration from an 1887 livestock book
Antique horse illustration from an 1887 livestock book. Detailed depiction of a specific horse breed.Thorougbred Horse
Antique horse illustration from an 1887 livestock book
Antique horse illustration from an 1887 livestock book. Detailed depiction of a specific horse breed. Percheron Horse
Antique horse illustration from an 1887 livestock book. Detailed depiction of a specific horse breed. Cliydesdale Horse
Antique horse illustration from an 1887 livestock book. Detailed depiction of a specific horse breed. English Shire or Carthorse
Antique horse illustration from an 1887 livestock book. Detailed depiction of a specific horse breed. French Coachhorse
Antique horse illustration from an 1887 livestock book. Detailed depiction of a specific horse breed. English Coachhorse