Jewelry vendor grand market Lome Togo West Africa
West Africa region, political map. Area with capitals and borders. The westernmost countries on the African continent, also called Western Africa West Africa region, political map
West African Gaboon Viper (Bitis rhinoceros)
Red-black striped snake (Bothrophthalmus lineatus)
Western green mamba (Dendroaspis viridis)
West African Gaboon Viper (Bites rhinoceros)
Western bush viper (Atheris chlorechis)
West African Gaboon viper (Bitis rhinoceros)
Fire skink (Mochlus fernandi)
West African water skink (Cophoscincopus simulans)
River jack (Bitis nasicornis)
West African bush viper (Atheris chlorechis)
West African Gaboon viper, Bites rhinoceros
Ball python, Python regius, The ball python, Python regius, is the most popular pet snake species in the world. They are being bred in a huge variety of colors
Giant African Olive millipede (Telodeinopus aoutii) The Giant African Olive millipede (Telodeinopus aoutii) is a large armored arthropod
Chocolate millipede (Pelmatojulus ligulatus) The Chocolate millipede (Pelmatojulus ligulatus) is a large heavily armored arthropod found in West Africa
West African bush viper (Atheris chlorechis) The West African bush viper (Atheris chlorechis) is actually prefectly camouflaged between the rain forest leafs it lives in
Ball python (Python regius) The Ball python (Python regius) is one of the most popular pet snake species in the world. They are being bred in a variety of colors
Fire skink / Lepidothyris fernandi The Fire skink is a large, colorful skink species found in Western Africa
Green mamba / Dendroaspis viridis The green mamba is a highly venomous, agile, alert and fast tree snake found in West Africa
Portrait of a man wearing typical clothes in Mali
Sign on Tree Indicates that the Village, Bijam, near Kaolack, Senegal, is participating in a Millet Development Program Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
west africa gambia a crowded fish market on the beach
A man in costume dances to the music of a drummer in the village square of Koro. [automated translation] Dance in Koro, 1971