[Locomotive, with Entrance to Perisphere of 1939 New York World's Fair in Background]. Artist: Samuel H. Gottscho (American, 1875-1971). Dimensions: 33.0 x 25.4 cm (13 x 10 in.). Date: ca. 1939
Jean-Baptiste Morin, French Mathematician Jean-Baptiste Morin (February 23, 1583 - November 6, 1656) was a French mathematician, astrologer, and astronomer
Adam and Eve being cast out from the Garden of Eden from a copy of the Falnama ascribed to Ja'far al-Sadiq, Safavid dynasty, 16th century
Group shot of Indian family at Taj Mahal, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India Group shot of Indian family at Taj Mahal, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India
Operation Plowshare, Sedan Crater Storax Sedan, an underground 100-kiloton thermonuclear test conducted at Nevada Test Site on July 6, 1962 as part of Operation Plowshare
Portrait of Cecilio Acosta (1818 - 1881) Venezuelan Writer Lawyer, Journalist, Philosopher, Humanist. Venezuela, South America
Young Arthur Rimbaud, 1870 Rimbaud, aged 16, by Ìätienne Carjat, probably taken in December 1870. Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud (October 20, 1854 - November 10, 1891) was a French poet
Hatton Cross Bus and Underground Station, London Borough of Hillingdon, Greater London, England, United Kingdom
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Austrian Philosopher Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein (April 26, 1889 - April 29, 1951) was an Austrian philosopher who worked primarily in logic, the philosophy of mathematics
French Revolutionary War,Battle of Arcole,1796 The Battle of Arcole (November 15-17 1796)
The Battle of Nicopolis took place on September 25, 1396 and resulted in the rout of an allied crusader army of Hungarian, Croatian, Bulgarian, Wallachian, French, English, Burgundian
Canutt champion lady rider of the world on Winnemucca, 1919
Jaipur, City Palace, Museum of Sawai Man Singh II inside the Chandra Mahal, Rajasthan, India, South Asia Jaipur, City Palace, Museum of Sawai Man Singh II inside the Chandra Mahal, Rajasthan, India
Haystacks in the Lake District National Park, Cumbria, England, UK
Srinivasa Iyengar Ramanujan, Indian Mathematician Srinivasa Iyengar Ramanujan (1887-1920) was a Indian mathematician and autodidact who, with almost no formal training in pure mathematics
An ideogram or ideograph is a graphic symbol that represents an idea or concept, independent of any particular language, and specific words or phrases
The Siege of Tyre was orchestrated by Alexander the Great in 332 BC during his campaigns against the Persians
Abu l-Walid Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Rusd or by his Latinized name Averroës (April 14)Abu l-Walid Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Rusd or by his Latinized name Averroës (April 14, 1126 - December 10, 1198) was an Al-Andalus Muslim polymath, a master of Aristotelian philosophy
Manticore from a Greek manuscript of Liber de proprietatibus animalium, 16th century. The manticore is a Persian legendary creature similar to the Egyptian sphinx
The House of the Faun, built during the 2nd century BC, was one of the largest and most impressive private residences in Pompeii, Italy, and housed many great pieces of art
Low angle view of a bridge, Brooklyn Bridge, New York City, New York State, USA