Aerial view of the city of Móra d'Ebre and the Ebro river in a summer sunrise (Ribera d'Ebre)Aerial view of the city of Móra d'Ebre and the Ebro river in a summer sunrise (Ribera d'Ebre, Tarragona, Catalonia)
Aerial drone photo of the Spanish coastal town named Coma-Ruga in Tarragona
Aerial drone photo of the marina in the Spanish coastal town named Coma-Ruga in Tarragona
Mediterranean beach castle of Castell de Tamarit on the costa Brava in northern Spain
SPAIN - Catalonia - Ribera d?Ebre (district) - TARRAGONA. Mora d Ebre; perfil de la ciudad y río Ebro
Salvoconducto del Gobierno Civil de Tarragona expedido en Rodonyà el 11 de octubre de 1939