School children outside classroom, St Mark's School, Mbabane, Hhohho, Kingdom of Swaziland
Spekes hinged tortoise (Kinixys spekii)
Warren's Girdled Lizard (Smaug warreni)
Sundevalls garter snake (Elapsoidea sundevalli sundevalli)
Black-necked agama (Acanthocercus atricollis)
Spotted Thick-toed Gecko (Pachydactylus maculatus)
The Wahlberg's velvet gecko (Homopholis wahlbergii ) is a large nocturnal gecko species endemic to Southern Africa
The Mozambique tree frog (Leptopelis mossambicus) is a large tree frog species found in Southern Africa
Leopard tortoise, Geochelone pardalis The Leopard tortoise, Geochelone pardalis, is a large tortoise species found in sub saharan Africa
Red-legged running frog (Kassina maculata) The Red-legged running frog (Kassina maculata) is found inSoutheastern Africa
Edible bullfrog (Pyxicephalus edulis) The Edible bullfrog (Pyxicephalus edulis) is a common frog species found in sub-saharan Africa
World Flags - Ultimate Collection - 287 flags - Volume 6 World Flags - Ultimate Collection - 287 flags - Volume 6
south Africa administrative map (provinces and districts)
Sport arena information building, Manzini, Kingdom of Swaziland