Northern caiman lizard, Dracaena guianensis The Northern caiman lizard, Dracaena guianensis, is a large, heavily armored, semi-aquatic, lizard species that is a specialized snail eater
Mexican black kingsnake, Lampropeltis getula nigrita, The Mexican black kingsnake, Lampropeltis getula nigrita, is a non-venomous snake species found in the Sonoran desert down into Mexico
South African Ground Gecko (Chondrodactylus angulifer ), Namibia The South African Ground Gecko (Chondrodactylus angulifer )is a large, terrestrial, nocturnal gecko species found in Southern Africa
Red-tailed green ratsnake / Gonyosoma oxycephalum
Indian python / Python molurus The Indian python is a large nonvenomous snake species found in India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Myanmar
Oman saw-scaled viper / Echis omanensis The Oman saw-scaled viper is a deadly snake species found in Oman and the United Arab Emirates
Snake tasting its surroundings Snakes use their forked tongue as a way to smell, taste and analyse their surroundings. The split tongue helps to determine the direction of the smell
An Italian girl enjoys the first days of spring licking an ice cream cone outside. Spilimbergo, Italy