Lalibela, Amhara region, Ethiopia. A child prays in one of the Lalibela churches. In the twelfth century, Prince Lalibela built a dozen churches excav Lalibela, Amhara region, Ethiopia
Women praying on Riverbank, Ganges River at Maha Kumbh, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
Street scene in Gondar city, Ethiopia. Gondar is one of the most wonderful sites in the world. Not only for its impressive Royal Palace, its Fasilid B Street scene in Gondar city, Ethiopia
English women in the fashion of August 1796 English women in the fashion of August 1796. They wear bonnets with feathers, high-waisted dresses with shawls, parasols and fans
Woman of Seville, Spain, 19th century. She wears a ribbon tied in a bow over her ringlets, a fringed petticoat and a distinctive shawl