Old Fashioned Weighing scales and feet
Old Fashioned Weighing scales and feet defocused
Overweight boy standing on scales against white background
Beautiful green anole sitting on a banana tree
Red-black striped snake (Bothrophthalmus lineatus)
Lizard eye of the Crowned Forest Dragon
Tri-color Hognose snake (Lystrophis pulcher)
The Peruvian Bush Anole (Polychrus peruvianus)
Puff adder (Bitis arietans)
Papuan python (Apodora papuana)
Shingleback skink (Tiliqua rugosa rugosa)
Blotched blue-tongued skink (Tiliqua nigrolutea) Highland
Blotched blue-tongued skink (Tiliqua nigrolutea) Tasmania
Blotched blue-tongued skink (Tiliqua nigrolutea) Lowland
Chameleon skin detail (Furcifer pardalis)
West African water skink (Cophoscincopus simulans)
Peruvian Bush Anole (Polychrus peruvianus)
Geyr's Spiny-tailed lizard (Uromastyx geyri)
Milos viper (Macrovipera schweizeri)
Jamaican Boa (Chilabothrus subflavus)
Western bush viper (Atheris chlorechis)
West African Gaboon viper (Bitis rhinoceros)
Yellow-headed water monitor (Varanus cumingi)
Western chameleon gecko (Eurydactylodes occidentalis)
Fire skink (Mochlus fernandi)
Cape file snake (Limaformosa capensis)
Red-tailed green ratsnake (Gonyosoma oxycephalum)
Abbott's Anglehead Lizard (Gonocephalus abbotti)
Pygmy spiny tailed skink (Egernia depressa)
Minor Lizard (Sceloporus minor minor )
Middle American Gopher Snake (Pituophis lineaticollis)
Van Dam's girdled lizard (Smaug vandami)
Philippine pitviper (Parias flavomaculatus)
Schultze's Pit Viper (Parias schultzei)
Mangrove Viper (Cryptelytrops purpureomaculatus)
Río Fuerte Beaded Lizard (Heloderma exasperatum)
Chiapan Beaded Lizard (Heloderma alvarezii)
Black and white Boa (Boa imperator)
Boa imperator "Leucistic" (Boa imperator)
Puff adder "Windhoek" (Bitis arietans)
Scaleless Ball python (Python regius) is a captive bred variation of the most popular pet snake species in the world. This mutation is completely with
white-bellied rat snake (Ptyas fusca)
Keeled Rat Snake (Ptyas carinata)
Striped bronzeback (Dendrelaphis caudolineatus)
Indian saw-scaled viper (Echis carinatus)
The Red spitting cobra (Naja pallida) is a highly venomous snake species. Capable of spitting its venom for several meters. Found in East Africa
Red eyed crocodile skink (Tribolonotus gracilis)
Eastern ratsnake (Pantherophis alleghaniensis)
Keeled box turtle (Pyxidea mouhotii)
Dwarf Jacksons chameleon (Trioceros jacksonii merumontanus) female
Northern shingleback skink (Tiliqua rugosa palarra)
Eastern shingleback skink Goldfield (Tiliqua rugosa rugosa)
Eastern shingleback skink Goldfields (Tiiqua rugosa rugosa)
Jamacain boa (Chilabothrus subflavus)