Tablinum in the House of Marcus Lucretius Fronto, Pompeii. Third Pompeian Style. Casa di Marco Lucrezio Frontone. Tablinum de la maison de Fronto, Region V.4. Troisieme style
Panels in the Building of Eumachia, Pompeii. Egyptian style. Panneaux de ledifice dEumachie. Style egyptisant
Woman in fancy dress costume made from betting stubs, les tickets, 1920s Woman in costume made from betting stubs, les tickets, at the horse races, with skirt, pantaloons
Woman in poker player fancy dress costume, 1920s Woman in Poker player fancy dress costume with mask, fork and dress with card symbols
Charlemagne receiving and knighting the Four Sons of Aymon at court. After a 13th century miniature by Huon de Villeneuve
Entitled: "Au revoir (Farewell)" fashion plate by Barbier, 1924. George Barbier (October 10, 1882 - March 16, 1932) was one of the great French illustrators of the early 20th century
Afternoon dress with formal culottes in black and red satin embroidered with gold
1920s woman in blue crepe dress embroidered with silver birds, pleated skirt, stading in front of a mirror 1920s woman in blue crepe dress embroidered with silver birds, pleated skirt
Entitled: "Paquin dress illustration by George Barbier, 1912." Jeanne Paquin (1869 - 1936) was a leading French fashion designer, known for her resolutely modern and innovative designs
Entitled: "Man's suit and overcoat by Lus and Befve. Gazette du Bon Genre
Style dresses in taffetas. Fichu, sleeve and skirt garniture formed of flounces, edged with cered ribbon, corselet belt with back bow of contrasting taffetas 12
1920s women's fashion from AGB: afternoon dress in red crepe georgette with flowers
Young man in fashionable outfit with top hat and cane, 1912. Mise dun jeune homme
Entitled: "Fumme (Ablaze) fashion plate by Barbier, 1920. George Barbier (October 10, 1882 - March 16, 1932) was one of the great French illustrators of the early 20th century
Woman in afternoon dress in Moroccan red embroidered with silver
Entitled: "Le Soulier de Satin (The Satin Slipper)" 1937. Jeanne-Marie Lanvin (January 1, 1867, July 6, 1946) was a French fashion designer
French fashion plate of a cloak from Art Gout Beaute 1912 French fashion plate of a cloak made from moleskin from Art Gout Beaute 1912
Fashion plate from Art - Gout - Beaute circa 1920 Fashion plate from Art - Gout - Beaute circa 1920