Alucitidae or many-plumed moth - indeterminate species isolated on a white background from the jungle of Belize, Central America
A vintage insect illustration from a 19th-century German book plate showcasing the coloration of various insect species
A vintage insect illustration from a 19th-century German book plate showcasing the coloration of various insect species. Blue and Green Butterflies
A vintage insect illustration from a 19th-century German book plate showcasing the coloration of various insect species. Butterflies and Moths
Butterfly Vivarium. Colorful illustration of the curious metamorphoses of some of the most beautiful insects, ca
Portrait of the underside of a pink moth with brown eyes and white legs standing on an eraser-tip pencil (Elephant Hawk-Moth, Deilephila elpenor)
Butterflies and Moths
Meadow brown butterfly, Maniola jurtina, wood lady or orange tip, Anthocharis cardamines, and grizzled skipper, Pyrgus alveolus
Butterflies and moths common to Europe. Color lithograph Lithograph
A Natural History of ENGLISH INSECTS. Illustrated with A Hundred COPPER PLATES, Curiously engraved from the life and exactly coloured by the AUTHOR, ELEAZAR ALBIN, Painter