Fragment (Furnishing Fabric), England, 1837/38. Floral print with motifs of the royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom and a woman, probably Queen Victoria who acceded to the throne in 1837
Wooden ceiling fan in classic tropical style
Tablinum in the House of Marcus Lucretius Fronto, Pompeii. Third Pompeian Style. Casa di Marco Lucrezio Frontone. Tablinum de la maison de Fronto, Region V.4. Troisieme style
Panels in the Building of Eumachia, Pompeii. Egyptian style. Panneaux de ledifice dEumachie. Style egyptisant
The First Reading of the Emancipation Proclamation before the Cabinet 1866
Stained glass window in a rural Christian church in Kentucky
Buddha sculpture with green leafe decoration on side board
Lebanon outline map with the handwritten country name. Continuous line drawing of patriotic home sign. A love for a small homeland