Paris, France. The Eiffel Tower, the landmark of the town. Frankreich. Der Eiffelturm, das Wahrzeichen der Stadt
Hotel Huize Glory, ostentatious villa from the 20s, entrance hall in the style of the Amsterdam School, Bergen aan Zee, Holland Hotel Huize Glory, Eingangshalle im Stil der Amsterdamer Schule
Hotel Huize Glory, ostentatious villa from the 20s, in the style of the Amsterdam School, Bergen aan Zee, Holland, the Netherla Hotel Huize Glory, pompöse Villa aus den 20iger Jahren
GSW high-rise building in Berlin, Germany, Europe GSW Hochhaus in Berlin, Deutschland, Europa
Outline, map of France Umriss, Karte von Frankreich
Germany, Ruhr area, Duisburg, fountain at the Koenig-Heinrich square, Koenig street, the city theatre