Ohio, OH, political map. State in East North Central region of Midwestern United States of America. Capital Columbus. The Buckeye State Ohio, OH, political map
Waverly, NY, USA - 03-03-2024 - Cloudy winter aerial image of the downtown area in the Village of Waverly, NY
SS City of Erie, Cleveland Buffalo Transit Company, Lake Erie, Erie, Pennsylvania 1900 This image could have imperfections as it's either historical or reportage
Early evening winter aerial photo of Schoen Place and the Erie Canal in the Village of Pittsford, New York. (01-14-2024)
November 20, 2022 Afternoon fall, autumn aerial drone video over the Village of Palmyra New York, USA
November 20, 2022 Afternoon fall, autumn aerial drone photo of the Hamlet of Lyons New York, USA
Early afternoon autumn aerial photo view of the City of Amsterdam New York
Early evening aerial photo of Schoen Place and the Erie Canal in the Village of Pittsford, New York
Erie Canal bypass electrical generator power house. Pioneer engineering wonder. 363 miles long man made waterway built in 1817. Transport of cargo
Erie Canal electrical generator power house. Pioneer engineering wonder. 363 miles long man made waterway built in 1817. Transport of cargo
Erie, Pennsylvania, USA downtown on the bayfront at dusk
AUGUST 10, 2019 - CLEVELAND, OHIO: The landmark skyline of downtown Cleveland from Voinovich Bicentennial Park in the early morning
Erie, Pennsylvania, USA on Lake Erie at twilight