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East Africa Collection

Background imageEast Africa Collection: portrait of a Samburu Maasai woman

portrait of a Samburu Maasai woman. Samburu Maasai an ethnic group of semi-nomadic people Photographed in Samburu, Kenya

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Pumping water at Maseno School Kenya East Africa

Pumping water at Maseno School Kenya East Africa Pumping water at Maseno School Kenya East Africa One woman is working the pump whilst a student wearing school uniform is filling a small bottle This

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Male Impala (Aepyceros melampus), Akagera National Park, Rwanda

Male Impala (Aepyceros melampus), Akagera National Park, Rwanda

Background imageEast Africa Collection: 1 birr coin, Ethiopia

1 birr coin, Ethiopia

Background imageEast Africa Collection: a family plays and has fun on a strip of sand during a splendid sunny day

a family plays and has fun on a strip of sand during a splendid sunny day

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Red spitting cobra (Naja pallida)

Red spitting cobra (Naja pallida)

Background imageEast Africa Collection: The Red spitting cobra (Naja pallida) is a highly venomous snake species

The Red spitting cobra (Naja pallida) is a highly venomous snake species. Capable of spitting its venom for several meters. Found in East Africa

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Aerial view of Dar Es Salaam capital of Tanzania in Africa

Aerial view of Dar Es Salaam capital of Tanzania in Africa

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Aerial view of city during summer day

Aerial view of city during summer day

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Dar Es Salaam capital of Tanzania in Africa

Dar Es Salaam capital of Tanzania in Africa

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Aerial view of Dar Es Salaam capital of Tanzania in Africa

Aerial view of Dar Es Salaam capital of Tanzania in Africa

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Aerial panoramic by drone of priest looking out

Aerial panoramic by drone of priest looking out, Abuna Yemata Guh rock-hewn church, Gheralta Mountains, Tigray region, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Clouds at sunset over the tall rocks of Gheralta Mountains

Clouds at sunset over the tall rocks of Gheralta Mountains, aerial view by drone, Hawzen, Tigray Region, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Aerial panoramic by drone of clouds at sunset over Gheralta Mountains

Aerial panoramic by drone of clouds at sunset over Gheralta Mountains, Hawzen, Tigray Region, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Aerial panoramic by drone of Gheralta Mountains lit by sunset

Aerial panoramic by drone of Gheralta Mountains lit by sunset, Hawzen, Tigray Region, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Sunset over red rocks of Gheralta Mountains

Sunset over red rocks of Gheralta Mountains, aerial view by drone, Hawzen, Tigray Region, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Aerial panoramic by drone of the desert valley at feet of Gheralta Mountains

Aerial panoramic by drone of the desert valley at feet of Gheralta Mountains, Hawzen, Tigray Region, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Aerial panoramic by drone of road at foot of Gheralta Mountains canyons

Aerial panoramic by drone of road at foot of Gheralta Mountains canyons, Hawzen, Tigray Region, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Aerial panoramic by drone of tall rock towers of Gheralta Mountains

Aerial panoramic by drone of tall rock towers of Gheralta Mountains, Hawzen, Tigray Region, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Aerial panoramic view by drone of majestic Gheralta Mountains canyons and cliffs

Aerial panoramic view by drone of majestic Gheralta Mountains canyons and cliffs, Tigray Region, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Aerial panoramic by drone of Gheralta Mountains and Dugem, Tigray Region, Ethiopia, Africa

Aerial panoramic by drone of Gheralta Mountains and Dugem, Tigray Region, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Panoramic view by drone of winding road towards Berhale crossing the dry landscape of Danakil desert

Panoramic view by drone of winding road towards Berhale crossing the dry landscape of Danakil desert, Afar Region, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Panoramic view by drone of straight empty road through Danakil desert

Panoramic view by drone of straight empty road through Danakil desert, Afar Region, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Panoramic view by drone of road crossing Berhale village

Panoramic view by drone of road crossing Berhale village, Danakil desert, Afar Region, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEast Africa Collection: East Africa region, political map

East Africa region, political map. Area with capitals, borders, lakes and important rivers. Easterly region of the African continent East Africa region, political map

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Mount Elgon chameleon (Trioceros hoehnelii altaeelgonis)

Mount Elgon chameleon (Trioceros hoehnelii altaeelgonis)

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Mount Elgon chameleon (Trioceros hoehnelii altaeelgonis)

Mount Elgon chameleon (Trioceros hoehnelii altaeelgonis)

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Mount Elgon chameleon (Trioceros hoehnelii altaeelgonis)

Mount Elgon chameleon (Trioceros hoehnelii altaeelgonis)

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Rwenzori plate-nosed chameleon (Kinyongia xenorhina)

Rwenzori plate-nosed chameleon (Kinyongia xenorhina)

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Black Tree Snake (Thrasops jacksonii)

Black Tree Snake (Thrasops jacksonii)

Background imageEast Africa Collection: African clawed gecko (Holodactylus africanus)

African clawed gecko (Holodactylus africanus) The African clawed gecko (Holodactylus africanus) is a nocturnal desert species endemic to East Africa

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Meller's chameleon (Trioceros melleri)

Meller's chameleon (Trioceros melleri) Meller's chameleon (Trioceros melleri) is the largest chameleon species of mainland Africa. Only Madagascar has bigger species

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Flapnecked chamaeleon (Chamaeleo dilepis)

Flapnecked chamaeleon (Chamaeleo dilepis) The Flapnecked chamaeleon (Chamaeleo dilepis) is found in East Africa

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Thick toed gecko / Chondrodactylus turneri

Thick toed gecko / Chondrodactylus turneri The Thick toed gecko is a heavily build gecko species found in Eastern Africa

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Reed frog / Hyperolius sp

Reed frog / Hyperolius sp Reed frogs are colorful, very vocal, tree frogs found in and around the marshes of East and Central Africa

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Girdled lizard / Cordylus tropidosternum

Girdled lizard / Cordylus tropidosternum The Girdled lizard is a armored lizard species found in East africa

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Gaboon vipers / Bitis gabonica

Gaboon vipers / Bitis gabonica Gaboon vipers are some of the biggest, most dangerous of all viper species. These animals are found acroos Eastern and Central Africa and masters of camouflage

Background imageEast Africa Collection: The Old Courthouse, Narrow streets of Stone Town, Zanzibar, Tanzania

The Old Courthouse, Narrow streets of Stone Town, Zanzibar, Tanzania

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Guji woman in traditional dress + decorated water containers in the background ( Ethiopia)

Guji woman in traditional dress + decorated water containers in the background ( Ethiopia). The Gujis are an Oromo subgroup

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Malawi, Mangochi. Queen Victoria Clocktower, built in 1903, is a prominent landmark

Malawi, Mangochi. Queen Victoria Clocktower, built in 1903, is a prominent landmark Malawi, Mangochi. Queen Victoria Clocktower, built in 1903, is a prominent landmark

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Pounding coffee beans, Omwani Women's Coffee Cooperative, Uganda

Pounding coffee beans, Omwani Women's Coffee Cooperative, Uganda

Background imageEast Africa Collection: National coat of arms of the Republic of Uganda

National coat of arms of the Republic of Uganda National coat of arms of the Republic of Uganda. Staatswappen der Republik Uganda. Caution: For the editorial use only

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Kinyarwanda language Catholic Holy Bible on wooden table

Kinyarwanda language Catholic Holy Bible on wooden table

Background imageEast Africa Collection: 1 Shilling coin, King George VI, East Africa, 1949

1 Shilling coin, King George VI, East Africa, 1949

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Jozani Forest National Park is a tiny remnant of the tropical woodlands that once covered all of Zanzibar Island

Jozani Forest National Park is a tiny remnant of the tropical woodlands that once covered all of Zanzibar Island

Background imageEast Africa Collection: Details of a sand dune in Namibia

Details of a sand dune in Namibia An abstract image of a oxide rich sand dune in Namibia

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