Patrice Lumumba 1925-1961. Congolese independence leader. Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo after he helped win its independence from Belgium in June 1960 Patrice Lumumba 1925-1961
Vector illustration Africa map with countries names isolated on white background. African continent icon
Africa single states political map. Each country with its own color area. With national borders on white background Africa single states political map. Each country with its own color area
All maps of world countries and flags. Set 5 of 10. Collection of outline shape of international country map with shadow. Flat design. Vector
vector map of the congo river basin
Red - Black striped snake (Bothropthalmus lineatus)
Bush viper (Atheris squamigera)
Congo plated lizard (Gerrhosaurus bulsi)
Dar Es Salaam capital of Tanzania in Africa
Variable bush viper (Atheris squamigera)
Congo water cobra (Naja christyi)
Okavanga mud turtle (Pelusios bechuanicus)
Hairy bush viper (Atheris hispida)
Natal dwarf puddle frog (Phrynobatrachus natalensis)
Boomslang (Dispholidus typus)
East Africa region, political map. Area with capitals, borders, lakes and important rivers. Easterly region of the African continent East Africa region, political map
Hinkel's red-flanked skink (Lepidothyris hinkeli hinkeli)
Forest Cobra (Naja melanoleuca)
Rwenzori plate-nosed chameleon (Kinyongia xenorhina)
River jack (Bitis nasicornis)
Black Tree Snake (Thrasops jacksonii)
Blandings Tree Snake (Toxicodryas blandingii)
Four-lined banana frog (Afrixalus quadrivittatus)
The African tiger snake (Telescopus semiannulatus) is a rear-fanged venomous snake species found in Africa
The Central African Egg-eating Snake (Dasypeltis fasciata)
Crested chameleon, Trioceros cristatus
Verreaux's eagle-owl, Bubo lacteus
Hairy frog, Trichobatrachus robustus
Congo burrowing asp, Atractaspis congica congica
Carpenter's chameleon, Kinyongia carpenteri
Johnston's chameleon, Trioceros johnstoni
Leopard tortoise, Geochelone pardalis The Leopard tortoise, Geochelone pardalis, is a large tortoise species found in sub saharan Africa
Nile crocodile, Crocodylus niloticus The Nile crocodile, Crocodylus niloticus, is the second biggest crocodile species in the world. They are found across Africa including Madagascar
Dwarf crocodile, Osteolaemus tetraspis The Dwarf crocodile, Osteolaemus tetraspis, is a heavily armored crocodile species found in West Africa
Western tree hyrax (Dendrohyrax dorsalis) The Western tree hyrax (Dendrohyrax dorsalis) is a solitary mammal species found in Africa
African dwarf mud turtle (Pelusios nanus) The African dwarf mud turtle (Pelusios nanus) is the smallest member of its genus. They are found in the Congo
Aubry's flapshell turtle (Cycloderma aubryi) Aubry's flapshell turtle (Cycloderma aubryi) is a rarely seen, cryptic, soft shelled turtle species found in the Congo and northern Angola
Two-lined chameleon (Trioceros bitaeniatus) The Two-lined chameleon (Trioceros bitaeniatus) is a diurnal, arboreal, lizard species found in Central Africa
Aubry's flapshell turtle (Cycloderma aubryi) Aubry's flapshell turtle (Cycloderma aubryi) is a rare, large and very cryptic aquatic reptile species found in The Congo and northern Angola
Elliot's chameleon (Trioceros ellioti) Elliot's chameleon is an inhabitant of the savannas of east Africa
Blade nosed chameleon (Kinyongia xenorhina) The Blade nosed chameleon (Kinyongia xenorhina) is a rare, spectacular, lizard species found in Central Africa
Dwarf crocodile / Osteolaemus tetraspis The African dwarf crocodile is the smallest true crocodile species. These heavily armored reptiles are found in tropical west to central Africa
Hinge-backed tortoise / Kinixys belliana The hinge-backed tortoise is a medium sized tortoise species found in sub saharan Africa. These tortoises are able to shut their shell closed by use of hinges
Tree snake / Thrasops jackonii The black tree snake is actually a very colorful snake when a juvenile. These snakes are found in Central Africa
River Jack / Bitis nasicornis The river jack is a large, heavily build, viper species. The colors are actually excellent camouflage between the rain forest leaf litter
Fat-tailed gecko / Hemitheconyx caudicinctus Fat-tailed geckos are large terrestrial eyelid geckos (one of the rare gecko species that do have eyelids) that inhabit Central Africa
Nile crocodile / Crocodilus niloticus The Nile crocodile is one of the biggest reptile species in the world. These large predators are found across Africa up to Madagascar
Jackson's forest lizard / Adolfus jacksoni Jackson's forest lizard is a fast and agile lizard species found in the DR Congo and surrounding countries
Cat eyed snake / Telescopus semiannulatus The cat eyed snake is a medium sized venomous snake found from Congo up to Tanzania
Jameson mamba / Dendroaspis jamesonii The Jameson's Mamba is a large, fast, agile and extremely venomous snake species found in Central Africa
Jameson's Mamba / Dendroaspis jamesoni The Jameson's mamba is a large, fast, agile and deadly tree snake species found in Central Africa
Reed frog / Hyperolius sp Reed frogs are colorful, very vocal, tree frogs found in and around the marshes of East and Central Africa
Gaboon vipers / Bitis gabonica Gaboon vipers are some of the biggest, most dangerous of all viper species. These animals are found acroos Eastern and Central Africa and masters of camouflage
Black mamba / Dendroaspis polylepis The Black mamba is a large, fast, intelligent and deadly snake species feared across its range (and beyond)
Great lakes bush viper / Atheris nitschei The Great lakes bush viper is a beautiful, rough scaled, snake species found in the Uganda, Malawi and DR Congo triangle
Great lakes bush viper / Atheris nitschei The Great lakes bush viper is a beautiful, rough scaled, snake species founf in the Uganda, Malawi and DR Congo triangle
Rhinoceros viper / Bitis nasicornis The Rhinoceros viper is a large viper species form Central Africa. The colors are actually great camouflage between the rain forest leaf litter
Hairy bush viper / Atheris hispida The hairy bush viper has gotten its name due to the big, upstanding scales. These rare tree vipers are found in Central Africa
Gaboon viper / Bitis gabonica The Gaboon viper is a highly cryptic snake species, invisible on the forest floor. These are the biggest of all vipers and capable of deadly bites
Snake tasting its surroundings Snakes use their forked tongue as a way to smell, taste and analyse their surroundings. The split tongue helps to determine the direction of the smell
Congolese Franc a business background