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Bookcentury1800 Collection

Background imageBookcentury1800 Collection: Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution

Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian Institution; Smithsonian Institution. Archives; Discoveries in science. PARENTAL CARE AMONG FRESH-WATER FISHES

Background imageBookcentury1800 Collection: The weekly register . t^ onboard tlie Poictlrrs

The weekly register . t^ onboard tlie Poictlrrs.I havif the lionoi- to he, lit.(Signed) . ClfAULK/S STKWART

Background imageBookcentury1800 Collection: Minutes U.C.V . nf time, 1861-1865

Minutes U.C.V . nf time, 1861-1865, was enacted one of the greatest and bloodiest revolu-tion of the ages, and a peculiar form of civilization passed forever away

Background imageBookcentury1800 Collection: L'architecture romane. et le plein cintre employés simultanément dansle même édifice

L'architecture romane. et le plein cintre employés simultanément dansle même édifice. HISTOIRE ET CARACTERES

Background imageBookcentury1800 Collection: Denkschriften - Ãsterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften

Denkschriften - Ãsterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften

Background imageBookcentury1800 Collection: The assassination of Abraham Lincoln

The assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Wayne E. Wesolowski, Ph.D.Professor and DirectorLincoln Train Project. The Lincoln train is coming... r . /TfitSr/NiB

Background imageBookcentury1800 Collection: The century dictionary and cyclopedia

The century dictionary and cyclopedia, a work of universal reference in all departments of knowledge with a new atlas of the world . k

Background imageBookcentury1800 Collection: American bee journal. Bee culture; Bees

American bee journal. Bee culture; Bees. EARLY ORUE.R DISCOUNTS WILL Pay You to Buy Bee-Supplies Now Thirty years' experience in making everything for the beekeeper

Background imageBookcentury1800 Collection: Beauty and the beast : a humorous cantata for solo voices (S)

Beauty and the beast : a humorous cantata for solo voices (S)
Beauty and the beast : a humorous cantata for solo voices (S.C.T.B.), chorus & orchestra

Background imageBookcentury1800 Collection: The Maple-leaf, or Canadian annual : a literary souvenir for 1849

The Maple-leaf, or Canadian annual : a literary souvenir for 1849

Background imageBookcentury1800 Collection: The fishes of Great Britain and Ireland

The fishes of Great Britain and Ireland. Fishes; Fishes. X X X 0! K oq P. CD D o P^ &* CO ti D /J J o Ph Ti so § P ^ 0 CD < e o

Background imageBookcentury1800 Collection: A system of surgery (Volume 4). PLATE XXXI TIG-. plate xxxn

A system of surgery (Volume 4). PLATE XXXI TIG-. plate xxxn

Background imageBookcentury1800 Collection: IiiOi^ V. O-.Küstnen

IiiOi^ V. O-.Küstnen

Background imageBookcentury1800 Collection: The essentials of botany. Botany

The essentials of botany. Botany. Fig. XXXV. Fia. XXXrV.—Flower of Shepherd's Purse (Capsella), with superior ovary, and hypogynous stamens and perianth. Fio

Background imageBookcentury1800 Collection: bellum. Jfy.4. Pubica. Jbem. [Tab XXXSS.. LXXXIV)

bellum. Jfy.4. Pubica. Jbem. [Tab XXXSS.. LXXXIV)

Background imageBookcentury1800 Collection: The Coccidæ of Ceylon. Insects; Coccidae

The Coccidæ of Ceylon. Insects; Coccidae. PL cxxxn. Jj iiiiiil:!;?

Background imageBookcentury1800 Collection: 'God first' : or, Hester Needham's work in Sumatra : her letters and diaries

"God first" : or, Hester Needham's work in Sumatra : her letters and diaries. sleeping-mat, and wentout

Background imageBookcentury1800 Collection: Die descriptive und topographische Anatomie des Menschen

Die descriptive und topographische Anatomie des Menschen. 102. Das Brustbein, 103. Das Brustbein, 104. Das Brustbein, Stemum, von vorne. im Profil mit den JneMtti-a« Sternum, von hinten. coatales

Background imageBookcentury1800 Collection: The complete farmer and rural economist

The complete farmer and rural economist : containing a compendious epitome of the most important branches of agricultural and rural economy. Agriculture. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS

Background imageBookcentury1800 Collection: Traité d'anatomie humaine : anatomie descriptive

Traité d'anatomie humaine : anatomie descriptive, histologie, développement. urgien quand il sagit de pratiquer le cathétérismede lurèthre sans découvrir la femme

Background imageBookcentury1800 Collection: The complete works of Robert Burns (self-interpreting)

The complete works of Robert Burns (self-interpreting) . gger is said tohave unearthed the bones of the boy John along with thoseof the father

Background imageBookcentury1800 Collection: Cavender family papers, Clark and Perry counties

Cavender family papers, Clark and Perry counties
. Cavender family papers, Clark and Perry counties, Indiana . >Ar>:. i/L-^aC^ c ^^^ t I— oCt. AA^ ^/.^ (^ tX, /K /iJL^i 1.7^^=^///^ r.

Background imageBookcentury1800 Collection: Beiträge zur Ornithologie Afrika's

Beiträge zur Ornithologie Afrika's . ief)örtj]en Xext, iiiiü feftct3:t)tr. 2. - ober fl. 3. 30 fr. ©uteitung unfc 3n^)«tt«i^^f^SfiiniMen flfafemic ter »iaturforWer, bcv ^cnigl

Background imageBookcentury1800 Collection: How to know the shore birds (Limicolae) of North America (south of Greenland and Alaska) [microform]

How to know the shore birds (Limicolae) of North America (south of Greenland and Alaska) [microform] : all the species being grouped according to size and color. Birds; Oiseaux

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