FORT SMITH, AR, USA - AUGUST 10, 1975 -- The Cadillac presidential limosine sits under guard in a secure military aircraft hanger while President Gerald R
Cartoon armadillo on white background
Italian Army, Leopard Biber bridge layer tank
Armadillo Girdled Lizard (Ouroborus cataphractus)
Chiapan Beaded Lizard (Heloderma alvarezii)
Red-eyed crocodile skink (Tribolonotus gracilis)
Yucatan Spiny-tailed Iguana (Cachryx defensor)
Campeche spiny-tailed iguana (Cachryx alfredschmidti)
The western spiny-tailed skink (Egernia stokesii badia) has declined in numbers and range as a result of overgrazing
The giant plated lizard (Matobosaurus validus) is the largest member in the Gerrhosauridae family. They are native to Southern Africa
The African spurred tortoise (Centrochelys sulcata), is a species of tortoise, which inhabits the southern edge of the Sahara desert, in Africa
The Barberton dragon lizard (Smaug warreni barbertonensis) is endemic to the Barberton region, Mpumalanga province, South Africa
Green Madagascar girdled lizard, Zonosaurus haraldmeieri
African spurred tortoise, Centrochelys sulcata The African spurred tortoise, Centrochelys sulcata, is one of the biggest tortoise species in the world. They are found in Africa
Northern caiman lizard, Dracaena guianensis The Northern caiman lizard, Dracaena guianensis, is a large, heavily armored, semi-aquatic, lizard species that is a specialized snail eater
Smooth-fronted caiman, Paleosuchus trigonatus The Smooth-fronted caiman, Paleosuchus trigonatus, is a heavily armored semi-terrestrial crocodilian species found in South America
Dwarf crocodile, Osteolaemus tetraspis The Dwarf crocodile, Osteolaemus tetraspis, is a heavily armored crocodile species found in West Africa
green thornytail iguana, Uracentron azureum, The green thornytail iguana, Uracentron azureum, is a rarely seen tree top dwelling, ant eating, lizard species found in Suriname
green thornytail iguana, Uracentron azureum, Suriname The green thornytail iguana, Uracentron azureum, is a rarely seen tree top dwelling, ant eating, lizard species found in Suriname
South Saharan spiny-tailed lizard (Uromastyx flavifasciata) South Saharan spiny-tailed lizard (Uromastyx flavifasciata)
Princely spiny-tailed lizard (Uromastyx princeps) The Princely spiny-tailed lizard (Uromastyx princeps) is a heavily armored lizard species found in Somalia
Chocolate millipede (Pelmatojulus ligulatus) The Chocolate millipede (Pelmatojulus ligulatus) is a large heavily armored arthropod found in West Africa
Shingleback skink (Tiliqua rugosa rugosa) The Shingleback skink (Tiliqua rugosa rugosa) is a heavily armored, slow moving, lizard species endemic to Australia
Sungazer (Smaug giganteus) The Sungazer (Smaug giganteus) is the biggest member of its family. These are heavily armored lizards endemic to South Africa
Guatemalan beaded lizard (Heloderma charlesbogerti) The Guatemalan beaded lizard (Heloderma charlesbogerti) is one of the rarest lizard species in the world endemic to a tiny valley in Guatemala
Marginated tortoise (Testudo marginata) The Marginated tortoise (Testudo marginata) is the biggest European tortoise species. They are found in Southern Italy, Sardinia up to Greece
Yucatán spiny-tailed iguana (Ctenosaura defensor) The Yucatán spiny-tailed iguana (Ctenosaura defensor) is a rare, heavily armored lizard species endemic to the Yucatan peninsula Mexico
Omani spiny-tailed lizard (Uromastyx thomasi) The Omani spiny-tailed lizard (Uromastyx thomasi) is an endangered terrestrial and herbivorous lizard species endemic to the deserts of central Oman
Five-keeled spiny-tailed iguana (Ctenosaura quinquecarinata) The five-keeled spiny-tailed iguana is a medium sized lizard species found in Nicaragua
Chihuahua desert horned lizard (Phrynosoma orbiculare) The Chihuahua desert horned lizard (Phrynosoma orbiculare) is a specialized ant eating lizard found in Central Mexico
Dwarf crocodile / Osteolaemus tetraspis The African dwarf crocodile is the smallest true crocodile species. These heavily armored reptiles are found in tropical west to central Africa
African spurred tortoise (Centrochelys sulcata) The African spurred tortoise (Centrochelys sulcata) is the biggest mainland tortoise species in the world
Chinese crocodile lizard / Shinisaurus crocodilirus The Chinese crocodile lizard is a highly endangered reptile species found only in a few isolated spots in China and Vietnam
Smooth-fronted caiman / Paleosuchus trigonatus The smooth-fronted caiman is a dwarf caiman species found in tropical South America
Armadillo lizard / Cordylus cataphractus The Armadillo girdled lizard has a unique defensive mechanism in which it will curl itself up and any would be predator will face spikes
Caiman lizard / Dracaena guianensis The Caiman lizard is a large lizard species found in the Brazil, Peru, Colombia and the Guianas
Horned forest dragon / Acanthosaura capra The horned forest dragon is a spectacular Agamid lizard found in Southeast Asia
Karoo girdled lizard / Cordylus polyzonus The Karoo girdled lizard is a medium sized heavily armored lizard species endemic to the Karoo areas of South Africa
Girdled lizard / Cordylus tropidosternum The Girdled lizard is a armored lizard species found in East africa
Horned lizard / Phrynosoma asio Horned lizards are terrestrial, slow moving, lizards with a preference for ants
Tank on laptop isolated on white background
DCIM100MEDIADJI 0865.JPGRussia Ukraine conflict. tanks on the flags of Russia and Ukraine in the background
Blueprint of realistic tank Blueprint or sketch of realistic tank. 3d illustration
Helicopters Military helicopters flying. Vector silhouettes