razor-backed musk turtle, Sternotherus carinatus The razor-backed musk turtle, Sternotherus carinatus, is a small turtle species found in the United States
Little Rock, Arkansas, USA skyline on the river at twilight
Hot Springs, Arkansas, USA town skyline in the mountains
Wichita, Kansas, USA downtown skyline at dusk from the Keeper of the Plains
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA downtown skyline on the Arkansas River at dusk
Memphis, Tennessee, USA downtown skyline
Little Rock, Arkansas, USA skyline on the Arkansas River at dusk
Memphis, Tennessee, USA at Hernando de Soto Bridge
Hot Springs, Arkansas, USA townscape at dusk in the mountains
Little Rock, Arkansas, USA downtown skyline on the Arkansas River at dawn
Memphis, Tennessee, USA at Hernando de Soto Bridge at dusk
WICHITA, KANSAS - AUGUS 30, 2018: The confluence of the Arkansas and Little Arkansas River at the Keeper of the Plains near downtown Wichita
WICHITA, KANSAS - AUGUS 31, 2018: The confluence of the Arkansas and Little Arkansas River at the Keeper of the Plains near downtown Wichita at dawn
Hot Springs, Arkansas, USA town skyline from above at dawn