Los Angeles.CA.USA. Richard O'Sullivan (as Pharaoh Ptolemy XIII)Los Angeles.CA.USA
A young woman with book and stylus (So-called Sappho), ca 50. Artist: Master of Herculaneum (1st century) A young woman with book and stylus (So-called Sappho), ca 50
Photograph taken at the Carolino Aqueduct, Caserta, Italy, featuring a view of the structure
Simplified Line drawing of the Circus Maximus in ancient Rome Simplified Line drawing of the Circus Maximus in ancient Rome showing the spina, the carcares, the metae and the Temple of Neptune
USA. Pedro Pascal in (C) Warner Bros
Copy of the Oath of the Horatii - made by Girodet. Date/Period: 1786 (original by David made in 1784). Painting. Oil on canvas. 130, 2 x 166, 2 cm. Author: DAVID, JACQUES LOUIS
Pompeii. House of the Vetti. 1st century AD. Domus belonging to two rich merchants, Vettio Restitulo and Aulo Vettio Convivo. Kitchen with pots. Italy, La Campania
Vespasian, 9th Emperor of Rome Vespasian (November 17, 9 - June 23, 79) was Roman Emperor from 69 to 79 AD. Vespasian founded the Flavian dynasty that ruled the Empire for twenty seven years
Map of the 14 administrative regions of ancient Rome, drawn circa 1886