painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) and red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) Sunning
Northeastern Oval Frog (Elachistocleis surinamensis)
Strawberry dart frog (Oophaga pumilio) The Strawberry dart frog (Oophaga pumilio) is a beautiful dart frog species found in Central America
Coralline frog / Leptodactylus laticeps The Coralline frog is a large, highly toxic, voracious frog species found in Paraguay
Golden sedge frog / Hyperolius puncticulatus The Golden sedge reed frog is a brightly colored very vocal tree frog species found on Zanzibar island, Tanzania, Africa
A colorful Republic Seabee amphibian aircraft splashing down in Lakes Agnes, Fl
The Strawberry dart frog (Oophaga pumilio) is a highly variable colored amphibian species. This is a Bocas del Torro, Panama specimen
The Golden poison dart frog (Phyllobates terribilis) is considered the most poisonous animal on earth
The Dyeing dart frog (Dendrobates tinctorius) is a big, colorful frog species from the Guiana shield in South America
The Bumblebee toad (Melanophryniscus stelzneri) is a dwarf toad species from Argentina and Paraguay
Yellow-banded poison dart frog (Dendrobates leucomelas)
Hyalinobatrachium valerioi, sometimes known as the La Palma glass frog, is a species of frog in the family Centrolenidae
Himalayan newt (Tylototriton verrucosus)
Mexican burrowing caecilian (Dermophis mexicanus)
Banded-limb glass frog (Hyalinobetrachium cappelei)
Brilliant-thighed poison frog (Allobates femoralis)
Red snouted tree frog (Scinax ruber)
Marty's mitred toad (Rhinella martyi)
Long-faced whistling frog (Leptodactylus longirostris)
Suriname toad (Pipa pipa)
Demerara Falls tree frog (Moana cinerascens)
Dark dwarf caecilian (Microcaecilia unicolor)
Dyeing poison dart frog (Dendrobates tinctorius) True Sipilawini
Cane toad (Rhinella marina)
Dyeing poison dart frog (Dendrobates tinctorius) Citronella
Dyeing poison dart frog (Dendrobates tinctorius) Patricia
Dyeing poison dart frog (Dendrobates tinctorius) Azureus
Green and black poison dart frog
Fringed leaf frog (Cruziohyla craspedopus)
Carvalho's Surinam Toad (Pipa carvalhoi)
Dyeing dart frog (Dendrobates tinctorius)
Three-striped poison frog (Amereega trivittata)
Spotted Litter Frog (Leptobrachium hendricksoni)
Three-striped poison frog (Ameerega trivittata)
Yellow-banded poison frog (Dendrobates leucomelas)
golden poison frog (Phyllobates terribilis)
Metallic green dart frog (Dendrobates auratus)
Mahogany frog (Hylarana luctuosa)
Asian giant toad (Phrynoidis asper)
Cinnamon tree frog (Nyctixalus pictus)
Gray barred tiger salamander (Ambystoma maevortium diabolo)
Sardinian mountain newt (Euproctus platycephalus)
Algerian ribbed newt (Pleurodeles nebulosus)